Thursday, March 14, 2013

It's all a trick to them

The general public doesn't realize how fun training your dog can be! We want to teach words and have our dog comply and we look at it as a chore but think of sit, down etc. as all a silly trick to our dog. Often our dog's "tricks" are more reliable than the basic commands, but those are also tricks. Why do they respond better? We have more fun asking our dog to shake and roll over or crawl and our dog sees that and it is rewarding.
When we ask for a sit or a down our dog still perceives it as a trick, except we think of it more as a chore our dog has to do, and that takes the fun out of it. If we can remember to make training fun we are more inclined to do it and so will our dogs!
What is your favorite trick your dog knows?

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