Thursday, April 11, 2013

Complete and Balanced

Have you heard before that you should never switch your dog's diet? That it will lead to upset bellies? What if I said by rotating your dogs diet you will avoid upset bellies. When you think about it, if we give our dog an opportunity to practice digesting different ingredients, from different companies, wouldn't that make them develop a bit more of a reliable gut? A dog that has practiced digesting such a variety of foods will be less likely to have diarrhea when given something new than a dog that has eaten the same thing day in and day out for years. Your dog has had it before, the stomach has figured out how to digest it. Wouldn't switching foods keep your dog interested from one day to the next, or one month to the next? Rotating our dog's food not only keeps your dog happy and interested in eating, but it is also a good way to make sure he is getting a balance of nutrients and a variety of proteins. One company will formulate their food differently than the next and by rotating what one company is lacking another may make up for.

 We wouldn't eat the same thing daily for years, we would become malnourished. Why should our dogs be different?

See Spot Live Longer  by Steve Brown is a great introductory book to understanding our dogs diet. If you have interest in improving the quality of food your dog eats start here. Also Dr. Wysong and his book The Truth About Pet Foods.

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