Tuesday, May 28, 2013

When can I stop using treats?

One of the most common questions asked to trainers who utilize food as reinforcement is, "When can I stop using treats?" as if it devalues the relationship or cheapens it. The truth of the matter is that food actually will strengthen your relationship with your dog as well as strengthen the dogs reliability to do a behavior.
Dogs do what works for them, and if a behavior earns them a reward, be it play or food, they are more likely to perform it again. Dogs, like people, will do things that motivate them. To expect our dog to come when called because we said so is like saying you will go to work and do your job because your boss said so. You go to work because you like the paycheck, dogs come to us to get their paycheck, a high value, tasty treat.
Don't therapists say that families should eat at least 1 meal together? A dog has to eat, no? Why not utilize the food that we so willingly put in our dogs dish for "free" and reward them throughout the day for behaviors we like. It only makes sense to reserve part of their meal and reward for tricks or calm behavior during the day instead expecting our dogs to behave because we said so. I am not saying that your dog needs a treat for every sit, down, stay, or other trick they know. Once your dog knows the behavior you can switch to intermittent rewards. Start rewarding the really good behaviors for a job well done.

Trainers at Sea World utilize food as a reward to train large marine mammals to perform "tricks" which help make vet exams a breeze.
  Photo from Seaworld.org
If your dog only listens to you when food is in your hand, the food has been used incorrectly and you are actually bribing your dog. When utilizing food as a reinforcer you ask for the behavior, get it, and then reward with the piece of food. The food shouldn't be visible or held out in front of your dog in a way of saying, see the food, now do the behavior, that equals bribing. We want our dogs to do the behavior in hopes of getting that really yummy reward.
So to recap,  you can stop using treats for you dog once they know a behavior, but why not periodically use the treats to continue to reinforce and bond with your dog?

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